Coach With Michelle is a company providing leadership development.
We offer coaching, consulting and speaking services to help you grow
as a leader in your business, professional and personal life and live Bigger, Bolder, Braver in ALL areas.
We offer coaching, consulting and speaking services to help you grow
as a leader in your business, professional and personal life and live Bigger, Bolder, Braver in ALL areas.

I can’t say enough about my experience working with Michelle! Her light, gentle, caring approach was so effective in helping me relax and not feel like there were a lot of expectations on me. Being a “pleaser” by nature, that was a huge relief. She has the patience of a saint and is always flexible with the focus of our sessions as my life events change. No matter what the topic is, I am always blown away by her insights and thought-provoking statements. She has helped me understand not only the ‘what’ of the changes I need to make but also way more of the ‘why’ than I had any awareness of! Some of it truly revolutionized my approach to life and it made the ‘how’ so much easier. I highly recommend coaching with Michelle to anyone who finds themselves stuck in rut in any area of their life and unable to effect lasting change on their own or who are overwhelmed by current or approaching life events. You will be amazed at how she helps you sort things out with challenging, results-oriented questions and fun exercises. She will hold you accountable, too, and is great about checking in by email between sessions. It really helps keep you on track.
SARA LAWRENCESr. Systems EngineerTarget Corporation

I have become more open with friends and co-workers and much less afraid to talk to people I don’t know. I don’t worry what others think of me any longer and I make eye contact when I am talking to people, which I didn’t do 6 months ago.

Michelle is one of those rare individuals that can blend highly skilled professional expertise with a warm personal touch. The result is a coaching relationship that moves one into action without it feeling like work. …It is that level of inspiration and support that has brought spectacular results in my business….
DR. MOIRA M. FORSYTHE, ND, CPC, ELI-MPProfessional Leadership CoachLevel 7 Coaching, LLC

Michelle is an excellent teacher! I loathed the idea of taking this class, but found it to be very enjoyable and fun and I can already see the benefits I’ve received.
PUBLIC SPEAKING STUDENTColorado Mountain College

Working with Michelle has revealed my true persona. Through her encouragement and guidance, I have learned to develop my strongest personality traits. The person I have always wanted to be was buried under layers of negative energy and influences. Learning how to refocus that negative energy has allowed my true persona to blossom.

Coaching sessions with Michelle are never a time to sit back and coast…she pushes me! She helps to bring out the best in me and never settle for less than what I truly want…in business, in relationships, in athletics, and in life.

Michelle, is there to hold up a mirror for a frank yet refreshing deconstruction of yourself. We spend so much of our time in life being told what we want to hear, or seeing what we want to see, because we are afraid of the truth, but sometimes the truth is precisely what we need in order to realize our inner desires while envisioning our dreams or at least what we really want to happen in our futures. For my life, Michelle has dispensed to me invaluable advice that money or words can’t buy nor fully describe. Better yet, I know myself a little bit more and am OK with it.

Two years had passed, and I found myself running in place only to go nowhere. This is when I realized the benefit of a life coach; I needed guidance. After yet another dead end job application, I reached out to Michelle. During my work with Michelle I had an opportunity to meditate with her, which I had never done before, and didnʼt quite know what to expect, but she gently guided me about certain affirmations and positions to facilitate the process. I was amazed at how I was able to calm my ADHD mind and actually become aware of a deeper, wiser, more innate core, while gaining a hypersensitivity to the world around me. As a skeptic, I am still surprised that I had such a surprisingly profound experience. …After going over some of my hopes and fears, Michelle helped illuminate to me a spectrum of energy that we all find ourselves in–either we are aglow at the top with success or wallowing at the bottom in self-perceived failure. The key is to take our failures and burn them up as fuel to keep on going. By recognizing my own pattern of self-defeat, I could also realize that there is a way out; it is possible to feel good and maybe even find success again. Sometimes our fears hold us back, and by naming them and calling them as such, they lose their power and hold. I already knew in the back of my mind a lot of the things she said, but Iʼve never been willing to recognize them until Michelle guided me to find myself in such an open-ended manner. At the end of the session, we took a pragmatic approach to fulfilling some more immediate goals. Baby steps. Michelle helped me identify some of my options, while keeping my expectations realistic and manageable. She also gently nudged me into adopting a self-proscribed timeline for fulfilling these goals.

At the beginning of my sessions, it was difficult for me to see many positives in any area of my life. Losing a business, commuting long distances for employment, and the associated impacts on my family seemed overwhelming. Michelle’s coaching led me to understand how bringing positive energy into my decisions could impact the direction I would take. With her assistance, I have been able to address difficult decisions head-on, look for the best possible outcomes, and act on them.
STEVE SWANSONCFOHome Care & Hospice of the Valley

Following this 6-week “Growing Old Never Felt So Good” Mastermind group, I gained the confidence to speak up to my spouse of many years for the first time about topics that were important to me. I felt liberated and had no idea at my age this was possible.
PARTICIPANTGrowing Old Never Felt So Good Workshop & Mastermind group